MON - FRI: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Now Open SAT: 9:00am - 1:00pm
141 Toryork Drive
North York, ON M9L 1X9
What is the service?
Replacement of worn brake pads and/or brake shoes
Replacement of brake rotors or drums as needed
Replacement of brake fluid as needed
Why is the service recommended?
Brake pads, shoes, drums and rotors are made of materials that wear down from heat and friction, even under normal driving conditions.
Many vehicles are equipped with a dashboard indicator light or an audible indicator (squealing sound) when brake pads are in need of replacement.
How does our service help?
Assists vehicle to come to a complete stop when the brake pedal is depressed.
Periodic brake pad replacement may save you money by preventing a "metal on metal" condition which accelerates the need to replace expensive rotors or drums
Key Tip
Have your brake system checked at least once a year